Mom to the Left

I'm a mom who tends to live just to the "left" of most of the people around me here in Indiana.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

For One More Day - Mitch Albom

I finished another book today. I've read all three of Mitch Albom's books now. They are all very similar in that they deal with life/death issues. This book, his second fiction book, deals with a man who is depressed about the turns his life has taken. After the death of his mother, he feels he has lost the only person who was truly there for him and he has tremendous guilt that he didn't show her how much she meant to him. In this story, Chick Benetto gets the chance to spend "one more day" with his deceased mother and say the things he never got the chance to say when she was alive. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have just "one more day" to see someone we've lost and to say all that was left unsaid? It's a story of a mother's love, and a reminder that we are all human and make mistakes. It's a little on the sappy side, but I liked it. It does make you want to call up your parents (or any other loved one) and clear the air.



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