Mom to the Left

I'm a mom who tends to live just to the "left" of most of the people around me here in Indiana.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Musical day

Today was the district level competition for instrumental solos and ensembles for the state school music association. Little J performed a group 3 (3rd level difficulty) baritone horn solo and received a gold medal. (Yippee!) Then later, the school brass choir (14 kids including 5 trumpets, 2 french horns, 2 tubas, 2 baritones -one of which is Little J-, and 3 trombones) did a large brass ensemble at group 1 (highest level of difficulty). They also received a gold and because it is a group 1, they get to move on to the state finals competition on February 17. This is very cool, especially for Little J who is only a freshman.

Also, his brass instructor came up to Big J and myself and talked to us about how Little J has so much potential and plays with "so much air" (as opposed to most kids his age). He has recommended we get him a new, higher-quality mouthpiece ($$$) and I think he's suggested private lessons to Little J, but we just don't have the money yet. Actually, we almost have his baritone horn paid off and once those payments are done, maybe we can buy the other mouthpiece. It's a hard call too, because we don't know how much of an investment to make in this because we don't know whether Little J will even continue with music after high school.

But I'm a proud mama this afternoon.

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