Mom to the Left

I'm a mom who tends to live just to the "left" of most of the people around me here in Indiana.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Not your average soccer mom

I tend to want to describe myself as a soccer mom. After all, I have kids who play soccer, I drive a minivan, do the shuttling-the-kids thing. But in recent years there has become a certain view of what is meant by "soccer mom" that is SO not me. When it comes right down to it I am a walking oxymoron (no, not a moron as my teenage son might be inclined to dub me). Maybe I should say I'm a contradiction of terms. I am a liberal Christian, left-wing democrat, pro-choice, anti-war, recycling soccer mom.

As I said, I drive a minivan, have been a stay-at-home mom for several years, have 3 kids, a dog, a house in the suburbs. However, I am a closet (or not-so-closet depending on who you ask) liberal. I always vote democrat (and often they are too conservative for me). I believe in equality, peace, and universal love - all of which seem to have become radical concepts in recent years. I am a religious liberal. I am not an atheist, I believe in a God. But the God I believe in would never condone the acts of hatred, judgment, and intolerance that are being done every day in His/Her name.

I get so frustrated by the turn our society has taken over the last 6 or so years. I find it truly scary. And probably one of the scariest things is that you can no longer speak your mind freely in this country without incurring someone's wrath or being called unpatriotic. I mean, it's one thing to disagree with people, but when it comes to discrediting and demeaning (or worse) anyone who disagrees with the establishment - well, I think our founding fathers would be rolling in their graves at what we've done. I love this country which is why I feel so strongly about how things are going. If I didn't care, I wouldn't care, you know?

And so. I find myself here on the stress-relief valve of the new millenium - the blog. Here I can rant in relative anonymity. It would be nice too, if I am able to find some joy to spread here too. That would be a better use of my time and yours. And probably more Christlike to boot. We'll see what happens. So here I go...


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